Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Cell Structure and Function Review

This week in science class we will continue reviewing cell structure and function.  We will finish the Hyperdoc and use some online review activities and games.

Monday, September 4
Labor Day - No School

Tuesday, September 5
In class:  Cell Structure and Function Hyperdoc
                   -Finish cell drawing in Google Draw and copy and paste into Slide Show
                   -Cell Expert
              Review page
Homework:  Study for Plant and Animal Cell Quiz on Thursday, 9/7

Wednesday, September 6
In class:  Review page
               Quizlet Live
Homework:  Study for Plant and Animal Cell Quiz on Thursday, 9/7

Thursday, September 7
In class:  Plant and Animal Cell quiz
               A Royal Tragedy

Friday, September 8
In class:  Intro to Genetics

After School Extra Help:  Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday  2:00-3:15